Diseño del saco de lecho de arena para gatos Silicat y ClumpCat



In 2019 our client PetSana, a family of products for the hygiene and care of pets, asked us to design the packaging design for several of their litter products.

These were several products made of various materials such as Silica or Bentonite, hence the need to design different packaging each with its own name and a distinct design (to create a differentiation based on the type of product) but at the same time create a design line for this product category as it was the first time they decided to produce this type of product.

Silicat is a cat litter based on a silica gel that is most suitable for cat litter boxes. This product is harmless for both your cat and the environment. On the other hand, it helps to neutralise unpleasant odours.

diseño de producto de silice para gatos


For the development of the branding and design of branding and design of packaging. for the Silicat line, the Brandesign team took the following approach:

We wanted to convey the benefits of odor absorption and comfort for pets, so we used a soft sand color palette and elements evoking nature, such as stylized sand grains.
We designed some iconic shaped banners to highlight its properties: Hypoallergenic, Neutralizes odors, Maximum absorption, Antibacterial. To reinforce the value of the product.
We chose names that would establish a clear association between the product and its use: Sili(ce) Cat (for cats) and Clump(ing) Cat (litter).
To differentiate both presentations we tried to work with blue and pink for the Silicat and blue and gold for the ClumpCat, keeping the indigo blue as the brand’s main color.
As for the packaging, we wanted it to convey naturalness and cleanliness, looking for images of cats in rest mode (tranquility) but we talked to the manufacturing plant to insert a transparent window with a cat silhouette because we thought it was very important to expose the product inside to the buyer.


Silica gel most suitable for cat litter boxes. This product is harmless both for your cat and the environment. Silicat also helps to neutralise unpleasant odours. 3 sku’s or three references to design: of 3,8 Lts, 7,6Lts and 18Lts.


Ultra White Natural Bentonite Binder. FORMAT: 5 Lts. For the cleanliness and hygiene of your cat.

Extraordinary 100% natural clumping agent High odour absorption 99% dust free Very long lasting

Ideas nuevas en packaging
caso de éxito portafolio de agencia creativa madrid Brandesign
mockup y diseño del empaque como portafolio de diseño Brandesign


In our study of product packaging design we realized that the printing of these bags was done in China using flexography, which led not only to many hours working in the timezone of this supplier, but in fighting with the printer who did not understand our technical guidelines, since in addition to refusing to make a flat design with flat inks, we fought with them to have photographs and an exposure window in the product for the buyer to see the contents inside and differentiate the silica or bentonite product. We like to offer the buyer of this product to be able to have a window to see the product inside.


After many hours of technical planning we were able to establish the printing guidelines and guidelines with this supplier in China while working on the design strategy with our client. To create an attractive design for their products.


The packaging design is a product that stands out from the shelf, currently these products have been well received in the different stores of our client’s group and are also sold in large supermarkets such as Carrefour nationwide.

If you liked this success story we recommend you to see: Shambi a great brand for small pets.

agencia creativa publicaciones de producto en instagram tienda online
Diseño del saco de lecho de arena para gatos Silicat
Brandesign agencia de diseño especializada en packaging


Does the design of your packaging or the presentation of your product not communicate its key features and unique value proposition? You don’t have 2 chances to communicate your product well. The current market demands authenticity and a lot of innovation. At Brandesign we design brand strategies so that your brand becomes your company’s most valuable asset. We do it from research, preparation and with excellent care to creativity, because your product must be unique. Shall we start?

Carlos Gascue

Trabajé en P&G construyendo marcas globales con estrategias de branding para mercados regionales según cada consumidor. Complementé mi perfil 360º trabajando en agencias de medios para analizar las campañas después del click.

Esther Garrido Fernandez Brandesigner
Ilustradora y Diseñadora

Siempre he estado con un lápiz en la mano, garabateando ideas para diseñar proyectos profesionales en el entorno de las artes digitales, el diseño gráfico, la animación y el 3D. Me encanta ver como paso a paso mis creaciones cobraran vida.

Stephanie Haye Brand Design
Colaboradora Marketing

Experta en #Marketing, #ComunicaciónDigital #Creatividad con mucha pro-actividad, capacidad de adaptación, don de gente, sentido de trabajo en equipo, dinamismo, rigor y muy exigente conmigo misma y con mi equipo.

Sergio copywriter copy escritor periodista generacion de contenidos

Versátil, resolutivo y productivo. A lo largo de mi trayectoria como periodista y especialista en marketing digital he realizado reportajes, artículos, entrevistas, publi reportajes creando contenidos para las marcas en redes sociales y portales.

juan david mateos
Juan David
Desarrollo web

Me gusta entender a fondo las necesidades del cliente y traducirlas en soluciones digitales, Internet cada día está creciendo en una diversidad de formatos y recursos digitales y siempre encontramos la solución IT a medida que se ajusta mejor a los usuarios.

Director de arte

Algunos me llaman diseñador, otros director de arte, incluso mi madre dice que soy artista y la verdad es que solo me gustan las etiquetas para diseñarlas.

Atención al cliente

Busco dar siempre una respuesta y una solución cada vez que recurren a mí, Atiendo las llamadas y el chat de Brandesign desde el servicio de atención al cliente.

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