Optimizando las campañas de la UE
The European University was probably one of the first clients of Brandesign Creative Agency, for more than 7 years we made all kind of digital campaigns with them, from banner campaigns in animated gif, display campaigns in flash (we are talking about a long time ago) through emailings, newsletters until display campaigns in HTML5 and RichMedia
We had started as a supplier of the pool that manages the online marketing department of the ‘UEM’ European University of Madrid (nowadays called European University) carrying out campaigns for all its postgraduate products, from architecture, art, communication, health, to working campaigns for specialised units such as Proy3cta. IMPACT business school, Les Roches Marbella and the EURMUE Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid, Universidad Europea.
The EMU had what for us was one of the most meritocratic systems of creative decision-making: they were measured by results. Logically, they would first validate whether the pieces fit in the Brand Guidelines But when it comes to making a decision about the supplier or the creative, they do it based on the best campaign idea. They used to do a lot of A/B tests to find out which one worked best, which is something that we online creatives like because before the whole management team filtered your ideas, they were previously tested to make that decision and evolve it.
Today we want to tell you about the work done by our agency when we tackled the display banners and email marketing campaigns that were carried out for more than 7 years with the European University.
Although the ‘UEM’ was our main client, our contacts / clients came from different departments of the institution, carrying out several campaigns running in parallel for different Key Account Managers, who contacted us given the good results provided by our campaigns, as it is a results-oriented institution and selects its suppliers through meritocracy.
It is very important to have not only knowledge as creatives when approaching but also to understand that a banner or a newsletter is sometimes the first contact that a student has with the product. Therefore, in addition to the technical aspects that must be covered when studying a PDM media plan, it is very necessary to understand to whom the campaign is directed and where it will be seen, since the media is an implicit part of the message.
Although we have a work methodology For each project, and we have experience in online campaigns with the UEM, we learned that we had to pay special attention to each campaign and not take anything for granted, as the student of a master’s degree at the Real Madrid University School did not respond to the same stimuli as a medical student or a communication student. We had to study very well the profile to which the campaign was oriented in order to work together with the client on the copy, the creativities and also very important the media where we would be read.

While the work of producing and animating HTML5 creatives is quite complex and fun, this online campaign experience is always complemented by sending an email marketing campaign or newsletter. There are many detractors of email marketing campaigns, which are done for a long time and given the advanced spam filters there is a part that does not reach its recipient and others who prefer to receive emailings in their inboxes with personalised promotions that chase you banners by the cookies you carry in your browser..
Whether there are detractors or not of email marketing, at Brandesign we think it is a resource that works, it is a 100% customisable medium and very important within the digital communication strategy, especially if you are in a category such as training.
As a communication tool it is very useful: it allows you to collect data and detect insights that will facilitate the segmentation and optimisation of your responses and results.

For our display campaigns, the creative team always came up with great ideas, with animations of football games for sports management products where action and the weight of the ‘Real Madrid’ brand was paramount, but the same ‘trigger’ did not work for the IMPACT Business School campaigns where we looked more for the names with the best track records of their best teachers. So we always analysed the technical specifications of the medium and the objectives to be achieved before proposing an animated creative and realised that the medium only accepts 150Kbytes as a maximum file size.
So creativity shines not only in the generation of graphic or animated ideas for the campaign but also in knowing how to adapt that fantastic idea within the technical limitations of the campaign, and make the client and the medium understand what is the best possible solution.

- In the production of creatives or banners, many technical factors have to be taken into account:What is the campaign modality? Are we going for CPC? CPM? CPL? what is the type of campaign contracted? is it a Brand Day in a specific media? such as ELPais, Marca? (Vocento, Prisa) or are they small banners distributed throughout the Google content network? GDN? what is the contracted technology? is it a rich media banner to be uploaded to Google Studio? Sizmek? or Weborama? or is it an animated gif? What Ad Spec to comply with Besides knowing if there are one or more clicktags, do we have to insert a magic pixel? what will be the metrics or way to measure the results? by lead generation? calls? traffic? explore he destino landing page and understand the success criteria of the campaign and how the success of the campaign will be measured.
We would love to be able to show in our portfolio the most animated and eye-catching pieces of the various display campaigns produced in HTML5, but for technical reasons (and for lack of an Ad Server) we can only show you the failover gifs or animated gifs supporting the display campaigns produced for 7 years to the EU. Standard HTML5 creatives and Richmedia creatives need a service platform that our WordPress cannot offer.

Let us fill your campaign with creativity and technical and strategic knowledge, whether it is a banner or display campaign or you need an optimised newsletter, email marketing or landing page, we can help you achieve your objectives. Brand Design is a creative agency with the methodology and preparation to accompany you in the monetisation of your campaign with optimised and results-oriented online creative.

I worked in P&G building global brands with branding strategies for regional markets according to each consumer. I complemented my 360º profile working in media agencies to analyze campaigns after the click.

I’ve always been with a pencil in my hand, scribbling ideas to design professional projects in the environment of digital arts, graphic design, animation and 3D. I love to see how step by step my creations come to life.

Versatile, decisive and productive. Throughout my career as a journalist and digital marketing specialist, I have done reports, articles, interviews, public reports, creating content for brands on social networks and portals.

I like to thoroughly understand the client’s needs and translate them into digital solutions, the Internet is growing every day in a diversity of formats and digital resources and we always find the tailored IT solution that best suits the users.

Some call me a designer, others an art director, even my mother says I’m an artist and the truth is that I only like labels to design them.

I always try to give an answer and a solution every time you call me, I answer the calls and the Brandesign chat from the customer service.