Corporate identity design services

We want to accompany you in the birth of your brand from day 1: From the selection of the name for your brand, product or service to the design of the logo that it will look like in its first 4 to 5 years. Corporate identity is probably the first step in creating, defining and presenting a company. It will be the name, the face and the attitude of how you will present yourself to your clients, suppliers, investors, which is why it is so critical and important to do it with the right agency.

Is it coherent?

Is it innovative and relevant?

Does it identify you?



To build a brand there are 3 key terms that you must take into account to differentiate them:

  • Brand : is the value of how people perceive your company, product or service.
  • Branding : are the strategies and actions you take to develop a specific brand image for your company, product or service.
  • Brand identity : are those tangible visual assets (or collection of elements) that together create a brand image.

To have a brand you need to create a corporate identity aligned with a branding strategy , or brand plan according to your positioning strategy.

Corporate identity: The visual aspect of brands

Corporate identity is all those assets associated with a brand in a visible and tangible way, that is, if we think about, for example, the Starbucks brand, all those images related to its logo, the icon of the double-tailed mermaid, probably come first. , the turquoise color, the sans-serif typography in black, continuing with the design and decoration of its cafes, from its wallpapers, its logo printed on napkins, coffee cups, sugar bags to the uniform of its employees: all this It is visual identity.

All this “visual packaging” creates an experience of identity, which belongs to them due to the constancy over time and in its positioning that that brand has with you. After creating this entire communication experience comes the brand image  where other codes of conduct begin to form such as the way of serving you, the uniform, the music, the welcoming atmosphere, your name written with a marker in your coffee, even the Wi-Fi for that you can take the computer and hold a meeting: both corporate identity and brand image form Branding.


From Naming to the design of your logo

Branddesign, as a branding agency in Madrid , can accompany you and advise you from selecting the appropriate name for your product or company to the logo . We have been doing it for several years for all types of companies. We have designed the corporate identity from small eCommerce stores that needed to delight their remote buyers with visual details that can enrich the consumer experience ; also designing the icon for applications, to designing all the stationery, presentations and websites of multinational companies seeking to gain a foothold in the Spanish market.

Our experience is finding the appropriate and ideal image with your company positioning strategy. We not only seek to delight you as a client and give the exact measure of the image you want to project, but we also seek that image to be:

  • Contemporary. We do not design obsolete identities. We evaluate the sector and its current demand.
  • Current. Not only with the need you have now, we will seek to design an image that lasts over time.
  • Only. No, we do not leave it to chance that any website or bot will give you a totally random logo that anyone could have
  • Strategic. It is important that you like it, but it is more important that it is attractive to your consumers.
Identidad corporativa e imagen de marca infografia branding


choose us?

diseño de etiquetas para envases y productos
We have many years  designing corporate identities  for companies, whether they are just starting out and need an identity and a strategy to make themselves known professionally or to help large organizations structure their existing brands.
We get involved in generating a real, functional and profitable strategy.
Auditoría de marca
La auditoria tiene como objetivo la medición del Brand Equity de una marca en su mercado (valores, competidores, tendencias, grupo o grupos de tier) y que impactos positivos y negativos ha tenido sobre la marcha en los pasados años.
Estrategia de Marca
La estrategia o plan de marca se hace tanto para marcas existentes como nuevas y se basa en los lineamientos de comunicación e innovación para el posicionamiento de un producto o servicio en un mercado.
Naming y Nomenclatura
Estudio, exploración y creación de nombres para marcas corporativas o comerciales y sus respectivas nomenclaturas para la designación de nombres para la familia de producto y/o coherencia en el nombramiento de sus servicios.
Diseño de Logotipo
El logo es un aspecto esencial en el desarrollo del branding. Diseñamos logotipos, imagotipos, isologos, isotipos desde un punto técnico y estratégico pensando siempre en el universo de sus diferentes aplicaciones, posicionamiento y/o refrescamiento.
Packaging y Labeling
En Brandesign nos gusta "pensar en el bosque cada vez que nos piden un árbol" cada packaging o etiqueta que diseñamos está pensada para posicionar un producto dentro de un segmento específico, al igual que para atraer miradas desde el click o el anaquel.
Punto de Venta
Creamos piezas de comunicación dentro del punto de venta (FMOT) estratégicas tanto desde el punto de vista corporativa de la marca y acorde con las preferencias de tus clientes y de la tipología de Retail.
Do you have a challenge? We want to hear it!

    Tu mensaje
    *Acepto las condiciones legales

    At Branddesign we process the information that you provide us in order to provide you with the service that you have requested from us on the website and to carry out your billing or contracting. The data provided on will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations and address possible responsibilities that may arise from compliance with the purpose for which the data was collected. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to obtain information about whether at Branddesign we are processing your personal data, so you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data and opposition and limitation to its processing before Brandesign: Calle Lagasca, 95, 28006 Madrid , Spain or at the email address, . Likewise, and especially if you consider that you have not obtained full satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a claim with the national control authority by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency, C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 for these purposes. Madrid.

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