Brand and Communication Auditors
Without creativity and emotions, brands fail to reach consumers, so in today’s times you need strategies that have an identity, that is, that connect and endure over time.
A brand audit is the service you need to validate that your branding strategy is working.
It is important to know the image and perception of customers regarding the company, so that, in that sense, a brand audit plays a fundamental role in making a diagnosis of the company.
Thanks to a brand audit, it is possible to rethink the existing strategy and/or give it a new approach. It is a matter of taking a look at our company and understanding the perception that our customers share of the branding that is being carried out. In this way, errors in the strategy can be identified in order to correct them and implement an improvement plan. Betting on an audit is one of the techniques that most companies use to know closely the real situation of the company, taking into account the visibility it has and the valuation given by consumers, i.e., those who have treated it. In this way, new opportunities can be obtained and a good analysis of the situation can be made.
1. Competency Analysis
The first step is to perform a preliminary analysis of your market, we know that your company surely knows which brands are your direct competition, but there are many offline and online tools whose results may surprise you. We analyze the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of each of the brands that compete in your category. We investigate WHO / HOW / WHERE and what patterns of repetition or communication they use to position themselves in the market.
2. Positioning
Listening to what your consumers, suppliers (even employees inside and outside Spain) think about your brand, product or service can give us a clear analysis of your brand equity beyond your brand plan. In this phase we measure who are your current buyers, what have been your Point of Entry towards them and know what has been perceived of your brand so far.
3. Visual Identity
Visual audit of your brand analysis from the graphic point of view, it is not an analysis of your logo design, we seek to know all the visual aspects that should monitor your brand, from scalability test of your logo or icon, to know if the color code you are using is correct for your target, and above all, if there is consistency in the line of branding between your brand with the rest of the lineup of products and services. We analyze the format that your web page or social profile should have.
4. Voice Tone
Analysis of the messages we give from the inside to the outside of our organization, be it in presentations, sales force speeches, new product presentations with retail owners, or the copywriting of our email marketing and social media campaigns, seeking to understand the persuasion process and to know if the words you use fit (or not) with your value proposition and your Brand Equity.
5. Contents
The contents have become an extension of your brand, so after we will look for references of Articles, Posts, Ebooks, Instagram Stories, Emailings, Newsletters including the organization’s powerpoint presentations and videos to analyze is if they are coherent in the whole of our brand identity. Does it transmit our brand? Is the message permeable? Does it convert? does it excite? Finally we generate a report with what we consider the past, present and what should be the future of your brand.
INSIGHTS:Do you know who your target audience is, are your products aligned with your brand culture, does your logo look good, does your image project your value, does your website have a purpose, does it have a purpose? Is it true to brand guidelines and does it excite your brand on social media?
A report is made with an analysis of the market and the type of customer or Buyer Persona that we have and that we intend to reach.
This is followed by the customer perception analysis, the objective of which is to know and understand what the consumer thinks. This is known as positioning audit, to see what place it occupies in the mind of the final consumer.
One of the most used techniques to know the consumer’s opinion is to carry out a market study, in which it is sought to know the trends, ways of consuming, needs, among other key aspects to outline a good strategy.
Subsequently (and based on the results obtained) a new idea and image of the customer’s point of view is created for the company. One of the advantages is that the results can be analyzed in detail and also allow some segmentation, according to gender, age, among other values. The brand should not face a launch or rebranding without first having the insights from an audit. These are the guidelines to build the brand plan.
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